Random photos I've taken...not much here, but I plan to keep adding as I find stuff.
This was in the parking lot of the Santa Fe Target. Only in NM...
An interesting Mary statue in Corofin, Co. Clare, Ireland. I'm not particularly religious, just thought it was neat.
My cat McGriff, once again trying to "help" me on the computer...he's not actually possessed (or so he'd like us to think), that's just eyeshine.
A sign for a Vietnamese restaurant in Albuquerque...with Paul Bunyan. Okay...
One morning I was taking the trash out and noticed a huge (he was probably about 3" long) praying mantis hanging out on the ledge outside my apartment. He didn't mind the fact that my camera was about an inch away from him.
One of the telescopes in the Very Large Array outside Socorro, New Mexico.